The Competition
Sweet Adelines from Region 25 (Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana) met in Richardson, TX at the Eisemann Center on March 18-19, 2005.


Taking home first prize in the chorus competition was the Rich-Tones (679 out of a possible 800 points). The group will get to represent Region 25 at an International Competition in 2006 (Las Vegas, NV). Below is how the top 5 choruses fared:
Name of Chorus Score
Rich-Tones (Richardson, TX) 679
OK City (Oklahoma City, OK) 646
Oklahoma Jubilee (Tulsa, OK) 561
Talk of Tulsa Show (Broken Arrow, OK) 552
Prairie Winds (Lubbock, TX) 545


Chorus Pics
Region 25 Competition...Rich-Tones (Pic 1) Region 25 Competition...Rich-Tones (Pic 2)
Region 25 Competition...Rich-Tones (Pic 3)
In the pictures: In first place...The Rich-Tones. The chorus is not only good in the singing department, the choreography is impeccable. Click to enlarge.
Region 25 Competition...OK City (Pic 1) Region 25 Competition...OK City (Pic 2)
In the pictures: In second place...OK City. This is another very creative and entertaining chorus. Click to enlarge.


The Show Aint Over
While you have reached the bottom of the page, there are more pictures ahead. To check out more choruses, click here.